Jan Ayalin

    Senior Associate
    Jan Ayalin | Senior Associate
    Jan Ayalin | Senior Associate

    Jan Ayalin

    Senior Associate
    Jan’s scope of knowledge spans architecture and interior design, urban master planning, and landscape architecture. He has over 25 years’ experience in the landscape design profession working on hotels and resorts, urban open space, and public and private residential landscapes across Asia and the Middle East. As a Senior Associate Landscape Architect at Cracknell he specialises in both conceptual design and design development. Sharing his experience, he guides and sets examples for the younger members of the team, helping them to grow within the profession. Trained as an Architect, his core design strength lies in balancing the needs of the client and the end user, to develop marketable, sustainable, and innovative built environments that engage the senses and enhance the sense of place.

    Landscape Design at Cracknell is about more than building beautiful places from creative ideas…this is a consequence of our actions as Landscape Designers in proper stewardship of the environment, culture, and people’s way of life…. We are creating built environments that allow all forms of life and ideas to thrive.